Time horizon definition economics
Time horizon definition economics

The investors, expect profit from the change in the value of the asset.The quantity of risk is moderate in investment and high in case of speculation.Hence, it has a longer time horizon than speculation, where speculators hold assets for short term only. Investments are held for at least one year.On the other hand, in speculation decisions are based on hearsay, technical charts, and market psychology. In investment, the decisions are taken on the basis of fundamental analysis, i.e.The term speculation denotes an act of conducting a risky financial transaction, in the hope of substantial profit. Investment refers to the purchase of an asset with the hope of getting returns.The basic difference between investment and speculation are mentioned in the points given below: Key Differences Between Investment and Speculation Speculation ca be seen in markets where the high fluctuations in the price of securities such as the market for stocks, bonds, derivatives, currency, commodity futures, etc. Although, the risk is taken by speculators is properly analysed and calculated. In speculation, there is a high risk of losing maximum or all initial outlay, but it is offset by the probability of significant profit.

time horizon definition economics

Speculation is a trading activity that involves engaging in a risky financial transaction, in expectation of making enormous profits, from fluctuations in the market value of financial assets. In fixed income investment there is a pre-specified rate of return like bonds, preference shares, provident fund and fixed deposits while in variable income investment, the return is not fixed like equity shares or property.

time horizon definition economics

fixed income investment and variable income investment. Investments are majorly divided into two categories i.e. Nowadays, there is a range of investment options available in the market as you can deposit money in the bank account, or you can acquire property, or purchase shares of the company, or invest your money in government bonds or contribute in the funds like EPF or PPF. The two main element of investment is time and risk In a wider sense, it refers to the sacrifice of present money or other resources for the benefits that will arise in future. Investment refers to the acquisition of the asset, in the expectation of generating income. Hearsay, technical charts and market psychology. Speculation is an act of conducting a risky financial transaction, in the hope of substantial profit.įundamental factors, i.e. The purchase of an asset with the hope of getting returns is called investment. So this article makes an attempt to clear the differences between investment and speculation. The basic distinguishing point amidst these two is that income in the investment is consistent, but in the case of speculation is inconsistent. Conversely, speculation is an activity which does not satisfy these requirements.

time horizon definition economics time horizon definition economics


Reference: Oxford Press Dictonary of Economics, 5th edt.As per Benjamin Graham, an American economist, and professional investor, investment is an activity, which upon complete analysis assures the safety of the amount invested and adequate return. In any case discounting reduces the relative value of future pay-offs, so the difference between a large but finite horizon and an infinite horizon can be practically negligible. This is more of a convention than a suggestion that it matches practice, and is often a simplification because many infinite sums have known solutions. Many economic models adopt an infinite time horizon. The most remote future period taken into account in making economic decisions, such as deciding whether or not to undertake an investment project. The order in which products and services appear on Invezz does not represent an endorsement from us, and please be aware that there may be other platforms available to you than the products and services that appear on our website. While our reviews and assessments of each product on the site are independent and unbiased, brands may pay to appear higher up our table rankings or place ads in specific areas of the site. In order to fund our work, we partner with advertisers who compensate us for users that Invezz refers to their services. Invezz is an independent platform with the goal of helping users achieve financial freedom.

Time horizon definition economics